The following Terms and Conditions govern all use of the iLinkTV website(s) and all content, services, and products available at or through the website(s), channels or programs, including but not limited to www.iLinkTVentertainment.com and the iLinkTV Media Box.
The website(s) and channel program listings are offered subject to your acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions contained herein and along with all other operating rules, policies and procedures, that may be changed, modified or published from time to time on the iLinkTV website, iLinkTV Media Box and/or on the third-party sites without notice.
$49. ACTIVATION FEE - You agree that iLinkTV or their associates may electronically process the provided Credit/Debit Card and charge in advance the ONE-TIME Non-Refundable Activation Fee of $49. plus all applicable State/ Federal/ Local Tax and/or other fee(s) that may apply. Activation Fee includes one (1) iLinkTV Media Box. Additional iLinkTV Media Boxes may be ordered at discounted prices.
$19. MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTION (If Chosen) - You agree that iLinkTV or their associates may electronically process the provided Credit/Debit Card and charge in advance the MONTHLY Non-Refundable Recurring Charge of $19.00 plus all applicable State/ Federal/ Local tax and/or other fee(s) that may apply to your iLinkTV MONTHLY Membership Subscription for as long as your Membership Subscription is in force. (Cardholder may cancel at any time)
$198. ANNUAL PAYMENT OPTION (If Chosen) - You agree that iLinkTV or their associates may electronically process the provided Credit/Debit Card and charge in advance the ANNUAL Non-Refundable Recurring Charge of $198.00 plus all applicable State/ Federal/ Local tax and/or other fee(s) that may apply to your iLinkTV ANNUAL Membership Subscription for as long as your Membership Subscription is in force. (Cardholder may cancel at any time)
$29. MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTION (If Chosen) - You agree that iLinkTV or their associates may electronically process the provided Credit/Debit Card and charge in advance the MONTHLY Non-Refundable Recurring Charge of $29.00 plus all applicable State/ Federal/ Local tax and/or other fee(s) that may apply to your iLinkTV Monthly Membership Subscription for as long as your Membership Subscription is in force. (Cardholder may cancel at any time)
$12. MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTION (If Chosen) - You agree that iLinkTV or their associates may electronically process the provided Credit/Debit Card and charge in advance the MONTHLY Non-Refundable Recurring Charge of $12.00 plus all applicable State/ Federal/ Local tax and/or other fee(s) that may apply to your iLinkTV Monthly Membership Subscription for as long as your Membership Subscription is in force. (Cardholder may cancel at any time)
--- Because of the electronic nature NO REFUNDS will be made ---
Your access to iLinkTV services as well as the shipment and/or installation of your iLinkTV Media Box may not be established until payment information has been verified as accurate and in good standing. Check provided E-Mail and/or text message for acceptance Via Username & Password Delivery.
You agree that iLinkTV reserves the right to suspend or cancel your Membership Subscription without notice and block access to iLinkTV services in the event that your payment method issuer rejects, suspends or seeks return of any payment(s) previously made.
You are required to keep all your billing information current and up to date and provide iLinkTV with such information so that an update can be made to keep service activated and current.
You are responsible for all charges incurred by you or anyone that uses your payment method for any iLinkTV services.
The failure of iLinkTV to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision in that or an other instance. If any provision is held invalid, the remainder of the Terms and Conditions shall continue in full force and effect. If any provisions of these Terms and Conditions are deemed unlawful, void, or unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable of these Terms and Conditions and shall not effect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
The above sections constitutes the Terms and Conditions between you and iLinkTV regarding the purchase of iLinkTV services, superseding any prior agreements between you and iLinkTV relating to such purchases.
Disclaimer*: iLinkTV was created as an alternative to the High Cost of Cable & Satellite Dish TV and utilizes the use of your existing high speed internet and therefore cannot guarantee a perfect connection and/or reception of picture and/or sound quality. iLinkTV does NOT author, produce, market or profit from the production of any content that may be illegal or might cause hurt, harm or damage to a user. iLinkTV is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from the iLinkTV website or pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author, producers or publishers of the respective pages may be liable, not iLinkTV which is the one who has linked to these pages. iLinkTV does NOT produce or host any content of third parties. iLinkTV only provides links or software which links to third party sites. All iLinkTV does is link or embed content that was uploaded to popular Online Video hosting sites like Veoh.com, Megavideo.com, Youtube.com, Google Video, Yahoo TV and others. All users of an ISP like Youtube, Veoh, Megavideo, Google Video and other ISP's are required to make TOS agreements which are contracts with the sites when they set up their accounts which forces them not to upload illegal content. By clicking on any links to videos while surfing on iLinkTV sites or pages you watch content hosted on third parties sites, not material hosted by iLinkTV; hence iLinkTV can not take the responsibility for any content hosted on other third party sites. iLinkTV does not upload any videos nor does iLinkTV know who or where videos are produced, originate or where they are broadcast from. iLinkTV does NOT promote any illegal or unlawful conduct or activity whatsoever. Links to the videos and/or sites are generally freely listed on such search engines as Google or Yahoo and submitted to said services by unknown third parties. It is the responsibility of users to manage the access to any and all content on the Internet.
iLinkTV recommends that software to prohibit access to adult websites or content be used by parents, teachers, schools, libraries or others who make the internet available to minors so as to restrict and/or prohibit access of adult content by minors or where said content may be illegal.
iLinkTV is a paid service that is meant only to guide or direct Membership Subscribers to third party directories, channels, networks, videos. Some sites may require a FREE account to be created by the user.
* iLinkTV is not responsible for the use-ability and/or availability of content of any third party site *
*Must Have Internet Access *All Styles, Features And Programming Are Subject To Change Without Notice *Allow 24-48 Hours For The Delivery Of Your Username & Password To The E-Mail You Provided At Checkout.
Allow Up To 6 Weeks For The Delivery Of Your iLinkTV Media Box.
Credits: All Company Brand, Logos, And Product Names Are Trademarks Or Registered Trademarks/Names Of Their Respective Owners.
www.iLinkTV.stream, www.iLinkTV.club, www.iLinkTV.info, www.iLinkTV.online & www.iLinkTVentertainment.com are marketing divisions of iLinkTV, LLC.
* iLinkTV is a Registered Trade Name *